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Oracle APEX : Dynamic Security Module With English subtitle

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Authentication is the process of identifying each user before they can access your application. You can specify multiple authentication schemes for your application, but only one scheme can be in effect. The current system's authentication logic is used when your application is running.
AuthorizationApplication systems control access to all pages within the application. Unauthorized access to the application, regardless of the requested page, will result in an error page.
How to change the authentication schemes at runtime in Oracle APEX How to change the parsing schema at runtime in Oracle APEX How to change the delegation schema at runtime How to change the page authorization schema at runtime in Oracle APEX How to change the page to public or not at runtime in Oracle APEX How to change the read-only page at runtime in Oracle APEX How to change the page build option at runtime in Oracle APEX How to change the region delegation system at runtime in Oracle APEX How to change the read-only region at runtime in Oracle APEX How to change the region creation option At runtime in Oracle APEX How to change zone server side condition at runtime in Oracle APEX How to change object authorization scheme, read-only, build option and server side How to change button authentication scheme, build option, and server side state on boot How to change process approval scheme, build option, and set button and server side state at runtime in Oracle APEX How to change dynamic procedure adoption schema, build option and server side state at runtime in Oracle APEX

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You must have an email (mail account) that you remember for yourself and also you must remember the password of the email you will register with, and if you do not have an email account, it is better to create an account (Gmail)

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